Harvey Activity Challenge for $100,000

Harvey Rural Community

On January 1, 2023 the Village of Harvey joined with the LSDs of Prince William and Manners Sutton, and portions of Kingsclear and Dumfries to become Harvey Rural Community.  Please go to the new website at www.harveyruralcommunity.ca for more information.

Community Better Challenge Header Graphic

We want to be Canada's Most Active Community!     June 1 - 30

The 2022 ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is here, with local activities happening across the country in June to help us get active together for our mental and physical health. Track physical activity minutes from any of our community initiatives, classes or events on the Challenge web portal to help our municipality be named Canada's Most Active Community and win $100,000 to support local physical activity initiatives.

The Harvey Activity Challenge, part of the national PartipACTION Challenge starts June 1 and runs until June 30.  See the calendar of free activities happening in the greater Harvey area for the month of June and make sure to track minutes of activity on the ParticipACTION app.  Help Harvey be named "Canada's Most Active Community" in 2022!  If your postal code starts with E6K, your activity minutes will count under the wider community of Manners Sutton.

Don’t forget to share!

Share photos of our community in action, tagging @ParticipACTION and using the hashtags #CommunityBetterChallenge and #MeYouUs.

PDF icon Activity Calendar for 2022 - FINAL.pdf704.04 KB
Wednesday, June 1, 2022