Harvey Rural Community
On January 1, 2023 the Village of Harvey joined with the LSDs of Prince William and Manners Sutton, and portions of Kingsclear and Dumfries to become Harvey Rural Community. Please go to the new website at www.harveyruralcommunity.ca for more information.
The new Council was sworn into office on Thursday night. Outgoing Councillor, Brad Howse, was thanked for all his efforts over the past five years with a picture of a steam train in Harvey.
Council for the Village of Harvey is: Mayor Winston Gamblin, Deputy Mayor Richard Corey, Councillor Dave MacMullin, and new Councillor Adrian Davis.
Outgoing Councillor Brad Howse with Mayor Winston Gamblin
The 2021 Census of Population day was May 11 but the online portal is still open and they are still accepting questionnaires online and on paper. The census enumerates the entire Canadian population and over 15 million households are expected to complete the census this year. Please complete your questionnaire, if you haven’t already.
Take notice that the Council of the Village of Harvey, in compliance with Section 111 of the Community Planning Act of the Province of New Brunswick, intends to hold a public hearing of objections on May 27, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Harvey Memorial Community Centre Lobby to hear objections and/or comments pursuant to the proposed By-law 2021-2, a By-law to amend the Rural Plan By-law 2020-2.
There will be a special meeting of Council tonight at 7pm in the lobby of the HMCC.
The Village of Harvey needs an experienced woods person to cut down standing trees and clear fallen trees around the Catharine Pendrel Trail and bring them out to the trail or driveway.The woods person needs to supply their own equipment such as chainsaws as well as any vehicle to haul the wood to the trail location. Details and an application form can be found below.
The deadline for submission is Friday, April 30th at 5pm.
The Village has beautiful hanging baskets throughout the Village in the summer.
Please see the attached form for more information and how to sponsor your basket. Tax receipts are available.
For information on our waste management and recycling programs, go to http://southwestrecycles.com/
We still have a few calendars left showing the recycling pick up dates. Pick up at the Village Office or Post Office.
If you liked the small, year-at-a-glance calendar for your fridge, you can download a copy here.
Help your community to plan for the future-apply now!
Pay rates vary by position from $17.83 to $21.77 per hour, plus authorized expenses.
Start and end dates vary by position and location, but are between March and July 2021.
Work hours are flexible, mainly during evenings and weekends.
To see what an enumerator does, watch this video on the day in the life of an enumerator. https://youtu.be/AcMqu0YkV2g
Recycle Pick up Notice
To all residents of the Village of Harvey and the LSD of Manners Sutton with pick up days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Village of Harvey Notices
The Municipal office reopened on November 2nd, 2020.
Office hours are Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am – 12:30pm
The Clerk is now Katherine Henry and she can be reached at 366-6240 or by email at village.harvey@rogers.com during regular operating hours.